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Birthday Forecast

Solar Return Reading ~ see more for additional info

1 h
185 US dollars

Service Description

Happy Birthday! When the Sun makes one whole revolution around the zodiac we call that a Solar Year. The Solar Return chart is cast for the exact moment that the Sun returns back to the place it was when you were born and is determined by where you are located while this is happening. PLEASE READ BEFORE BOOKING ** What we need** When booking please provide the following information: - Where you are located on the day of and the day before your birthday - Birth information - What areas of life you are most interested in learning about During this reading you we will discuss what themes and patterns will be most prominent for you in the year ahead. Did you know the location of your Solar Return changes your chart for the year? Based on where you decide to have your birthday can make a difference with how your year ahead will manifest! Of course we can't defy karma no matter how much we try but when we become aware of the potential energies we are to face; we can change the way we react to the situation, which in turn re-directs the karmic flow. So when booking this reading be sure to let the astrologer know where you plan on celebrating your birthday the day of and also the day before. A great gift for someone's birthday. This does not have to be done the day of your birthday, can be done any time. If you would like to purchase this reading as a gift, you can purchase gift cards in the shop. You are welcome to ask any questions that may come up during your time with us. All sessions are recorded for your convenience and emailed to you at a later date. Readers available for this service: Evelyn Zuel Be prepared to share what your intentions are with our time together; it's ok to be specific. This is how we gauge where we should be spending most of our energy when preparing for your reading. After you book, we will be in touch with you closer to your session date to share the Zoom login info. Thank you for entrusting us with your journey inward, we look forward to working with you. ✷☥✶ *** We practice client confidentiality, and everything shared in the reading is private and between the reader and client only. Occasionally for educational purposes, we may reference certain aspects of a natal chart with the individual's permission. ***

Cancellation Policy

I look forward to working with you! If you need to reschedule please give 24 hours notice before your session time. Cancellations will be charged a $25 fee to cover any losses. No call, no shows will not receive a refund. Evelyn ✷☥✶

Contact Details

55411 29 Palms Highway, Yucca Valley, CA, USA

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