Happy Moonday!
This week starts off with a First Quarter Moon in Scorpio. First Quarter Moons are all about taking action and setting intentions. In Scorpio we are learning to let go, surrender, and transmute spiritual and emotional energy that no longer serves us on a deep level. Sometimes we must sever ties with an old self in order for us to expand into these new forms of self awareness. It can feel like we are dying on the inside while we move into these new chapters of life. While insecurities around identity, self love, and confidence come to surface we could feel victimized by our current circumstances if we are feeling disempowered in our lives. It is important we find ways to rise out of our current defeat and into new forms of understanding. Human consciousness is under a big shift as we begin to evolve more into the Aquarian age.
Monday we also have Venus in Gemini making hard aspects to Jupiter and Neptune on Monday, we find ourselves potentially confused in relationship dynamics. We could be easily manipulated into thinking something that we are being told is the truth of a situation that may not be. It is hard to know what the “truth” is these days.
Another powerful transit on Monday will be with Mercury our planet of communication, squaring off with Mars, our planet of assertion. This can cause some tension when it comes to how we communicate our emotional needs to others. Mindfulness is key today, and if we are feeling short or irritable, we do best taking some down time or space for ourselves to recalibrate. We may take things personally, project ourselves onto others, and there is a lot of opportunity within these relationship dynamics for difficult conversations to be had that help us break through barriers and into new light or states of self awareness.
We also have many opportunities for creativity this week with Neptune and Jupiter making a harmonious sextile on Monday, and Mercury making a trine to Neptune on Thursday. Channeling feelings into inspiration is a positive way to empower yourself through the vibrational energies of the week. Our dream world and sensitivity to the energy of others is also enhanced during powerful transits involving Neptune. We are able to do a lot of spiritual work and healing within the subconscious realms.
On Friday , our Sun in Leo makes a trine to Chiron in Aries, helping us to heal issues that revolve around identity and our ability to assert leadership within our own lives. We may begin to feel more empowered with where we can take initiative in our own healing journey. On a larger scale, we are facing a collective identity crisis that is empowering so many movements within society to take off.
We benefit from being open to change in the days ahead. This is a great week to dismantle oppressive structures within the self.
Tarot cards of the week:
The Lovers, Strength, The Chariot, Death, The Devil, The Tower, The Star, The Moon, The Sun, 4 of cups, 5 of cups, 6 of cups, 7 of cups, 8 of cups, 9 of cups, 4 of wands, 5 of wands, 6 of wands, 7 of wands, 8 of wands, 9 of wands, 10 of wands, Page of Wands, Knight of Wands, Queen of Wands, Ace of Pentacles, 2 of Pentacles, 3 of pentacles.
All times are Pacific time
Monday 7/27
Moon enters Scorpio 12:12 am
First Quarter Moon 4 degrees of Scorpio 5:33 am
Jupiter rx in Capricorn sextile Neptune rx in Pisces 9:07 am
Venus in Gemini inconjunct Jupiter rx in Capricorn 10:36 am
Venus in Gemini square Neptune rx in Pisces 10:48 am
Moon inconjunct Chiron rx in Aries 1 pm
Mercury in Cancer square Mars in Aries 2:46 pm
Moon opposition Uranus in Taurus 3:04 pm
First Quarter Moon’s are a time for renewal and rejuvenation, they’re a great time for setting intentions within the archetype of whatever sign they fall in. With the Moon in a First Quarter phase of Scorpio we are being asked where we need to let something go or transmute stagnant emotional energy into something else. We can think of the Death card in the Tarot as the frequency for today. What needs to transform into something else? What are we holding onto that needs releasing? What areas of our life do we feel victimized or frustrated by? What emotional dynamics do we perpetuate that may not always be helping us move forward? Do we have left over trauma or resentments that need acknowledging so that we can begin to let go and heal?
Venus, our planet of relationship in the sign of communication, makes a hard aspect to Jupiter and Neptune today. We need to be mindful of where we seek escapism in our lives. With Jupiter and Neptune also making a harmonious aspect, our need for expansion and growth is enhanced. We could potentially feel ungrounded and confused within our current relationships and we may begin to envision a life that we wish we were living instead of the current one we face (obviously I am sure a lot of us are fantasizing about better days ahead on many levels.)
We need to be mindful with money and not overspend this week, but we can easily tune into our creative strengths and be very productive if we use the energy that way.
Mercury, our planet of communication, makes a hard aspect to Chiron in Aries which can add a frequency of challenge to our communication dynamics. We are likely to take things personally and not see eye to eye with someone else. We need to be mindful today with where we project our feelings onto others. Feelings of inadequacy or insecurities are expected over the next couple days. This is a positive time to work through the deeper layers of the subconscious and try to uncover what deeper rooted issues are popping up that need our attention at this time.
Tuesday 7/28
Moon in Scorpio
Moon sextile Jupiter rx in Capricorn 8:08 am
Moon trine Neptune rx in Pisces 8:18 am
Moon inconjunct Venus in Gemini 9:38 am
Moon sextile Pluto rx in Capricorn 1:05 pm
Moon void of course sextile Saturn rx in Capricorn 9:01 pm
Yesterday may have brought some uncomfortable feelings to the surface, but today we have an opportunity to heal some of those feelings with our Moon making more harmonious aspects to Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto and Saturn. This is a good day for being honest with yourself about where you need down time and how you can balance that with productivity.
Wednesday 7/29
Moon enters Sagittarius 12:25 am
Moon trine Sun in Leo 12:47 pm
Moon trine Chiron rx in Aries 4:33 pm
Moon inconjunct Uranus in Taurus 6:47 am
With the Moon in Sagittarius over the next couple of days, we feel a need for escapism and freedom. This is a good time to break routine and do something that feeds your heart. We benefit from taking a light hearted approach to things and allowing ourselves to find joy in creative self exploration. The Page of Wands card in the tarot is a good frequency to hold within the heart space today.
Thursday 7/30
Moon in Sagittarius
Moon trine Mars in Aries 7:02 am
Mercury in Cancer opposition Jupiter rx in Capricorn 7:17 am
Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune rx in Pisces 11:45 am
Moon square Neptune rx in Pisces 12:20 pm
Moon inconjunct Mercury in Cancer 12:25 pm
Moon void of course opposition Venus in Gemini 5:08 pm
Venus in Gemini inconjunct Pluto rx in Capricorn 6:51 pm
We may be lacking discernment today and we could have a hard time knowing what choice or direction to take in life.
Mercury makes an opposition to Jupiter and a trine to Neptune enhancing our ability to see the bigger picture of a situation at hand, but we may not be able to see all of the details. There currently is a lot coming out every day in the media, and not all of it is trustworthy. Today and this weekend could be another day where we experience large amounts of data coming out, with conflicting arguments or statements. It’s hard knowing who or what to believe when Mercury and Neptune are in relation to each other. Neptune rules illusions, fantasy, deception, and confusion. It also rules art and creativity. On a personal level, today is a great day for artists of all kinds finding inspiration for new or existing projects.
Venus makes a hard aspect to Pluto in Capricorn which causes a need for transformation within perceptions and how we relate to others. We may be experiencing a lot of shifts in how we perceive others, this could be challenging as well as inspiring. Power dynamics within communication is also enhanced within our relationships today. We need to ask ourselves what is worth hashing out, and what is worth letting go.
Friday 7/31
Moon enters Capricorn 4:58 pm
Sun in Leo trine Chiron rx in Aries 6:15 pm
Moon square Chiron rx in Aries 9:31 pm
Moon inconjunct Sun in Leo 9:46 pm
Moon trine Uranus in Taurus 11:56 pm
Our Sun in Leo trines Chiron the wounded healer. This frequency automatically gives me the image of the cowardly Lion in the Wizard of OZ. We may have an enlarged perception of self at times, but living up to that perception and following through may require a deep look in the mirror.
When we inflate the self, it often gives a tone of having to overcompensate for a feeling of inadequacy. This weekend it is wise for us to reflect on where we puff ourselves up to hide where we feel inadequate. While it can be emotionally painful or mentally challenging to be honest with ourselves about where we feel prideful, and whether or not that is serving us in a beneficial way, this empowers us to do any healing under the surface that calls for attention right now.
Be open to new insights and opportunities to be humbled.
Saturday 8/1
Moon in Capricorn
Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto rx in Capricorn 3:52 am
Moon square Mars in Aries 2:23 pm
Moon conjunct Jupiter rx in Capricorn 4:57 pm
Moon sextile Neptune rx in Pisces 5:55 pm
Moon conjunct Pluto rx in Capricorn 10:57 pm
Communication patterns are often inherited by our parents. We tend to embody traits of family members in how we approach conflict resolution, or how we avoid it. With Mercury in Cancer making an opposition to Pluto, we may have an easier time seeing where our inherited communication dynamics hold us back or help us move forward. We may realize that we are ready to let go of some communication patterns that are no longer serving us, and today is a great day for that reflection.
Sunday 8/2
Moon opposition Mercury in Cancer 1:53 am
Moon inconjunct Venus in Gemini 2:39 am
Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus 4:19 am
Moon void of course conjunct Saturn rx in Capricorn 6:59 am
Moon enters Aquarius 11:11 am
Today most likely won’t go according to the plan we had set in motion for the day. We benefit from rolling with the change rather than fighting against it. Don’t be surprised if you feel unstable or ungrounded within your sense of self. Our Sun in Leo makes a hard aspect to Uranus in Taurus, and while we could feel a lot of motivation to take charge in our life and do something different, we also have to be open to things going a way we were not anticipating. New stages of self awareness are accessible to us right now.