Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? You are, duh!
Thinking about our Full Moon in Libra this week, and a lot of the transits we have involving Venus in Gemini and Mars and Saturn in Aquarius, I can’t help but think of the need we have as a collective to see our beliefs, and our ideas validated back to us through the lens of media, and relationships.
One of my mother's favorite sayings is “the world is a hologram.” When I explore the nature of synchronicity, and how we internalize the experience, we tend to see anything mirrored back to us as divine timing, or validation we are exactly where we are meant to be. Often, the simulation we find ourselves in and the simulations we create around us, tend to align with whatever we wish to see or believe to be true.
In astrology, the search for truth is matched in the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius, while the search for justice is matched in the cardinal air sign of Libra. Justice in a superficial sense, is a concept that rests predominantly upon perception and what we agree to as a collective or within society when it comes to our fundamental and human understanding of “law and order.”
But when it comes to the laws of nature, the laws of the universe, or the laws of math, the term, “justice,” takes on a much deeper and complex meaning.
We know as humans that our time here is limited and that there are very real parameters we are able to operate within this experience.
In Libra we are experiencing the law of cause and effect within this reality. The laws of karma.
My ongoing interest in the study of astrology has much to do with the principles of karma and how the mathematical frequencies we are vibrating upon, play into the way we can alter or create this reality. Many spiritual practitioners believe in the ability to tap into the will of an individual (Aries) to the point where we can defy any kind of astrological impact that the stars may or may not be having on us.
I am someone who has been open to this concept, but I believe that while we may as individuals have a large amount of personal power, nothing is more powerful than the collective consciousness of whatever this universe is, and whatever other invisible energies are playing an influence here.
The balance of willpower in Aries, to the laws of cause and effect in Libra, create a duality, a mirrored experience that cannot be ignored. While we may have the will to create, do we have the will to control the effect? Or does the effect supercede our will because there is a larger, and more wise divine source of power determining the outcome?
As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. If the intention is good, but the outcome takes a different form, who's to say that we have any say at all? Maybe we are all exactly playing the parts we were born to play.
And the world is just a hologram for the shared experience we all are creating together.
Right now we embark upon another powerful week of transits during a time that will be remembered by all of us for the rest of our lives. Reflecting on our individual power, the universal laws within this dimension, and the shared experience or perception we create as a collective, are all little things we should be building more awareness to in the weeks to come.
Tarot Cards of the Week:
The Tower, Justice, The Moon, The Hermit, The Magician, The Fool, The World, The Star, The Lovers, The Emperor, 7 of pentacles, 8 of pentacles, 9 of pentacles, 4 of Cups, 5 of Cups, 6 of Cups, Knight of Cups, Ace of Swords, 2 of Swords, 3 of Swords, 4 of Swords, 5 of Swords, 6 of Swords, 7 of Swords, Page of Swords, Knight of Swords, Queen of Swords, King of Swords, Page of Wands, Queen of Wands, King of Wands, 2 of Wands, 5 of Wands, 7 of Wands, 8 of Wands, 9 of Wands, 10 of Wands.
(All times are Pacific)
Monday 4/6
Moon in Virgo
Moon opposition Mercury in Pisces 2:49 am
Moon trine Pluto in Capricorn 6:15 am
Moon void of course trine Jupiter in Capricorn 6:29 am
Moon enters Libra 2:16 pm
Moon trine Saturn in Aquarius 3:52 pm
Moon trine Venus in Gemini 6:56 pm
Moon trine Mars in Aquarius 10:20 pm
Moon inconjunct Uranus in Taurus 10:54 pm
Moon opposition Chiron in Aries 11:51 pm
Starting our week off, we have a lot of potential for motivation and momentum towards any goals we are setting up for ourselves for the day. This is a good time to take action around any new routines, especially when it comes to health and wellness.
We may feel restless, as there is a lot of energy on the Yang polarity of Air and Fire. It is positive for us to find ways to be active in our bodies whether it is going for a walk, run, or doing a quick home workout. We also benefit from connecting with loved ones however we can.
Tuesday 4/7
Full Moon 18 degrees of Libra 7:35 pm
Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus 11:50 am
Mercury in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn 2:28 pm
Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Capricorn 7:20 pm
Moon inconjunct Neptune in Pisces 8:49 pm
Tuesday is ruled by Mars, and we have a hard transit today between Mars and Uranus that carries a frequency similar to The Tower card in the Tarot. Mars square Uranus is characterized often as the transit for accidents and spontaneous events that are catastrophic. We need to be extra mindful today with how we move our bodies, and the activities that we do as we are more accident prone. I find when these transits happen, there seems to be a heightened level of traffic incidents, people hurting themselves, and large amounts of news about unfortunate events. When you add the frequency of a Full Moon to the mix, it can enhance the vibration within people to feel like anything they are fed up with, they just can’t take anymore. This often causes a lot more disruptive reactivity within the consciousness.
Mercury making harmonious aspects to Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn, may give us an opportunity to communicate our feelings in a more direct and practical way while we are working through these intense energies moving through us.
The Full Moon in Libra is an opportunity for us to acknowledge relationship dynamics that are not working for us anymore. This could be between a lover, friend, or both. Full Moons are a powerful time for manifestation and releasing what is no longer working for us. Libra symbolizes not only relationships, but also the scales of justice. What is our perception of fairness? What is our relationship to cause and effect? Do we take responsibility for our half of the dynamic when it comes to the way we internalize other people? The world is a mirror, and we are often spending our lives trying to take what is in the mind, and project it out into the world to validate the feelings or experiences we are having on an internal level. There is something about the consciousness within this dimension, wanting to see itself reflected. We search for relationships and partnerships outside of ourselves to validate the need for fulfillment within the self. With this Full Moon we benefit from setting the intention that we will take responsibility for ourselves and our half of the dynamic.
Wednesday 4/8
Moon in Libra
Moon square Pluto in Capricorn 5:17 am
Moon square Jupiter in Capricorn 5:50 am
Moon V/C inconjunct Mercury in Pisces 6:54 am
Mars in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries 10:24 am
Moon enters Scorpio 1:17 pm
Moon square Saturn in Aquarius 3:03 pm
Moon inconjunct Venus in Gemini 8:46 pm
Moon opposition in Uranus in Taurus 10:09 pm
Moon inconjunct Chiron in Aries 11:07 pm
Moon square Mars in Aquarius 11:41 pm
Today is packed full of transits involving our Moon in Libra in the morning, and then the Moon moving into Scorpio later in the day. The main transit to be aware of is Mars in Aquarius making a harmonious sextile to Chiron in Aries. This transit to me on an intuitive level is symbolic for action around collective healing. We need to come together as a species right now and find new ways to take action towards the future within our political structures. How are we being cared for? How are we caring for others? A lot of trauma is being experienced on a global level and we will have to fight for our rights as this pandemic continues to sweep through our communities. We have to advocate for ourselves and for others in need of help financially and medically. We have to demand for our local governments to do what is “right.” We may see progress and action being made in these areas. Hopefully we begin to see more success stories around recovery, and the number of cases going down as the weeks progress.
Thursday 4/9
Moon in Scorpio
Moon trine Neptune in Pisces 8:32 pm
Moon inconjunct Sun in Aries 10:32 pm
With the Moon in it’s fall in Scorpio today, we may feel like underlying repressed feelings within the subconscious are coming to surface. This is a good day for self care and working through somatic responses to trauma in ways that promote mental and emotional health. We benefit from turning inward and allowing ourselves to build self awareness on what we project onto the world. Feelings of victimization regarding our current circumstances are likely. While we may have valid reasons to feel that way, it is important that we learn to turn our pain into something that can become empowering. If we think of the generations of people who have preceded us who have done amazing things in times of hardship and strife, we can see this time period as an opportunity for growth in ways we could have never imagined. While there shouldn't be any overt pressure to succeed in any way right now, we should all be feeling a sense of duty and responsibility to each other to fight for our rights within our communities. Health care, shelter, government funding to help those in need during this time. This is an important time in history, it is beneficial for us to find ways to be of service to each other and our communities.
Friday 4/10
Moon in Scorpio
Moon sextile Pluto in Capricorn 5:15 am
Moon sextile Jupiter in Capricorn 6:08 am
Moon V/C trine Mercury in Pisces 12:35 pm
Moon enters Sagittarius 1:35 pm
Moon sextile Saturn in Aquarius 3:37 pm
Venus in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries 6:39 pm
Mercury enters Aries 9:48 pm
Moon inconjunct Uranus in Taurus 11:08 pm
Venus has been active on her ruling day of Friday, and today she makes a harmonious sextile to Chiron in Aries which may mean that any frustrating energy we have felt in the previous days begins to take a turn in a more positive direction. We are open to resolution and healing with others and within ourselves. We discover our power within to take initiative and responsibility in our relationship dynamics. We may let our swords down, and find that being vulnerable has its benefits when it comes to connecting to those we love.
Mercury enters Aries after being in Pisces for the last couple months. This should build momentum around how we take action in our communication and our world around us. We may feel less complacent and more empowered towards our individual agendas and what we need for our minds, our bodies, and our souls moving forward.
Saturday 4/11
Moon in Sagittarius
Moon trine Chiron in Aries 12:09 am
Moon opposition Venus in Gemini 12:28 am
Moon sextile Mars in Aquarius 3:03 am
Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius 4:58 pm
Moon square Neptune in Pisces 10:53 pm
Moon in Sagittarius always gives me the feeling of needing to break free from any feelings of restriction and confinement. Sagittarius is the sign of the Seeker, and in Sagittarius we want to explore, expand, and evolve. This weekend we may need to get outside or get out of our mundane tasks and do something creative. This is a good time to explore yourself on a deeper level, as well as the world around you.
Mercury in Aries making a harmonious aspect to Saturn in Aquarius today enhances our mental process and we may feel inspired to try things we have never tried before. We begin to have a new outlook on ourselves and our world around us. We find that we are more open to learning new ways to function in the ever changing world around us. We speak our minds directly and fluently. We feel like we are ready to take action in our community in ways that empower the collective. We demand action from our world leaders, and we are prepared to do whatever we need to do to ensure progress is being made towards a brighter future.
Sunday 4/12
Moon in Sagittarius
Moon V/C trine Sun in Aries 4:46 am
Moon enters Capricorn 5:05 pm
Moon square Mercury in Aries 11 pm
This is a good day to be active. We benefit from moving heat through the body through physical activity, as well as doing any creative projects that give us a sense of freedom during this time right now. Get outside today if you can. If you are feeling run down or tired, engaging in learning something new or reading a book that expands your awareness within yourself and the world around you is beneficial.