Venus Enters Aquarius, You Astrocast 2/1-2/6
5 of disks from the Thoth deck, available here. Blessings mystics and seekers! Can you believe it is already February? This week we have...
Venus Enters Aquarius, You Astrocast 2/1-2/6
Nothing Lasts Forever, Your Astrocast 1/11-1/17
Knowledge is Power, Your Astrocast 12/14-12/20
Free Your Mind, Your Astrocast 11/30-12/6
Welcome to the Underworld, Your Astrocast 10/19-10/25
Anxiety into Productivity, Your Astrocast 10/5-10/11
Are you Mad yet? Your Astrocast 9/28-10/4
Autumn Equinox, Your Astrocast 9/21-9/27
New Moon, New World, Your Astrocast 9/14-9/20
Reality is an Illusion, Your Astrocast 8/31-9/6